Ways and methods to make money with Bitcoin in 2019 and beyond
Bitcoin is a money making machine when you know what to do with it. There are a few great ways to make money with bitcoin no matter the market. This list of ways to make money on bitcoin has changed the way tons of people view cryptocurrency. Making money using bitcoin is easier than it may at first seem. Using this list of all the different ways you can make money on bitcoin you will surely find a method that works for you.
Advice on making money with Bitcoin
Bitcoin is a speculative asset class, it is easy to make money on bitcoin. I would not recommend going into debt to purchase it or doing something that you might regret at one point to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible. There are plenty of other ways to make money on bitcoin listed in this blog post. You need to figure out what works best for you.
There are a ton of horror stories about people taking out a second mortgage in order to purchase more Bitcoin or being foolish enough to max out credit cards or take some kind of a personal loan just to try and make money on Bitcoin.
Selling items for Bitcoin
Selling your items for cryptocurrency is easily the best way to get crypto other than buying it outright. You can signup for Forra here to begin selling your items right away

Selling your items for crypto is best on Forra. Using their marketplace anyone can sell anything for cryptocurrency without fees. It is the easiest way to accumulate cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin trading
Trading bitcoin should have its own blog post. There are so many different ways to go about making money on bitcoin through trading. There are several strategies, and guides to follow that you can wind up down a wild rabbit hole of information. The most lucrative part of trading bitcoin is the time it takes to do so. Making a single trade takes seconds and could possibly change your life for better, or worse.
Trading bitcoin is a great way to make money on bitcoin, but it is also a way to lose money on bitcoin as well. The majority of people who trade during a bear market are losing money. A Bull market will provide you the right amount of volatility moving in the right direction to make easy and fast profitable trades.
There are a lot of different guides and courses that show you how to trade bitcoin, it’s important to understand what makes a good trade. Trading in any sense can be lucrative but is also very risky.
Paid to click
You know when you google something and you see some type of a paid ad that looks like this.

Similarly enough, there is a cryptocurrency version. Paid to click Bitcoin Ads. This method of making money on bitcoin can be done using bots, if you are handy with code this might be a great way for you to earn cryptocurrency depending on where you live as well. A few satoshis a day can make a huge change in your life depending on the cost of living.
Bitcoin Faucet
A Bitcoin faucet is an easy remedial way for anyone to get started making money on Bitcoin. A Bitcoin faucet was actually one of the first passive ways to earn extra bitcoin.
Faucets work by having ads on a webpage, and making sure that bitcoin they pay out is less than the revenue they make per page.
These are a few faucets to start making money on Bitcoin:
Bitcoin Faucets come and go. Finding one that works and has on time payouts can be a pain, but if you are serious about making money on bitcoin you will find a faucet that works for you if you choose to earn bitcoin using this method.
Micro jobs
Don’t let the title of micro jobs fool you. When it comes to making money on bitcoin a micro job is what you call something similar to a mechanical turk, these tasks can be done very fast and allow you to rack up a solid amount of BTC.
Bounty Hunter
A Bounty Hunter carries out specific tasks) for someone or a company. These tasks are often complex problem in the codebase of a blockchain based project. The payout of these bounties vary with the complexity of the bounty. You can watch this video as an example.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOhp8TrpXok (George Hotz Hunting a $200,000 bounty for augur.
Becoming a bounty hunter doesn’t always require George Hotz level python skills. A Lot of cryptocurrency companies have issues in 2 departments, Code, and growth. Bitcoin related companies want to pay you in order to solve hard problems. Problems that are so difficult they do not have the answers for internally, or the man power to create in a pinch. This is how you profit off them. If you think you have a valuable skill this is by far the best way to make money on bitcoin.
A simple google search will turn up a lot of bounties and ways to make money helping other cryptocurrency projects
Writing about bitcoin
Writing about bitcoin is one of the best ways to make money on bitcoin. If you have some type of knowledge or opinion on bitcoin or cryptocurrency and you would like to have your voice heard you can find some gigs that pay you money for writing about bitcoin.
When you are getting paid to write something you will typically get paid in one of two ways. Either per word or per project. If you wind up getting a writing gig on a per project basis you can maximize that situation by by only writing about something you would consider yourself a master in.
Writing gigs that pay per word tend to expect a lower quality piece of writing, whereas people who are paying per project are looking for quality over quantity.
Bitcointalk signature campaigns
The bitcointalk forums has some legendary posts. Such as the launch of Ethereum posted by Vitalik himself.
Bitcointalk signature campaigns are a common way to make money on bitcoin. The bitcointalk forums host all types of conversations pertaining to cryptocurrency. If you are looking to make money on bitcoin in this way you should have a good knowledge of the subject and be well up to date on the current state of crypto in order to contribute to the conversation.

Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money on bitcoin due to its high payouts per conversion. One of the most famous affiliate marketing campaigns was the coinbase referral campaign. They would give away $20 for the first $100 the referral spent on coinbase.
Many people make their whole income as affiliate marketers. It makes sense that you can make some crypto related money doing the same thing. People who have do not have their own product tend to promote other people’s products. Even Forra has an affiliate program. A lot of cryptocurrency related companies want you to promote their products. It is not uncommon to see affiliate programs make a lot of money for both the promoters and the company who runs the program. Affiliate marketing should be at the top of your list if you have some kind of a following or know people on the fence about using some type of a product.
Provide services
Providing a service for bitcoin is a straight up way to earn more bitcoin. It’s as simple as agreeing to do something for someone and carrying out that particular task. A typical service that someone would do for fiat cash is a way to earn bitcoin. All you have to do is accept bitcoin in addition to fiat.
Providing a service is a very straightforward way to make money on with cryptocurrency. People who want to spend their cryptocurrency will rather go with you compared to the similar businesses that only use fiat.
Bitcoin lending
Lending your bitcoin out is not the best way to make money on cryptocurrency, nor is it a good way to earn more cryptocurrency.
It is however a good way to ensure that you are making money on bitcoin. The process of bitcoin lending is difficult because there is a certain degree of trust involved. You are assuming that someone will want their bitcoin back once you go about lending that person money.
Bitcoin Lending works by allowing someone to give you their bitcoin in exchange for cash. They are borrowing against their bitcoin. They lend you bitcoin, and they pay you back with a small amount of interest.
The issue with this as a way to make money on bitcoin is that you would only earn Fiat. You might even end up with less bitcoin than you originally started with and there is a slight chance of people defaulting on their loan. If you are using bitcoin to make Fiat dollars this is a viable strategy, but if you are looking to gain more BTC I think you should use another strategy from the list.
Bitcoin mining
Mining Bitcoin is one of the best if not the best way to make money on bitcoin, so long as you believe in BTC. There are several makes and model Asic bitcoin miners on the market that will help you make money.
However, not all of the mining rigs on the market are profitable to mine with. If you are mining make sure that you factor in all of the costs. If you are mining specifically bitcoin you need an ASIC miner. An ASIC miner to meet the hash requirements. If you are interested in mining here are a few profitability calculators to get started. I would recommend mining alternative cryptocurrency and turning them into bitcoin.

Micro earnings
Micro earnings is the sum of a particular type of services that allow you to make money on bitcoin. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=212.0 You will see the Bitcointalk Forums mentioned in this post quite a bit.
Micro earning allow you to do a small task or such as sharing or signing up in order to earn a small amount of bitcoin. The great part about micro earning bitcoin is that there are plenty of great opportunities, and the forum will naturally select the best micro earning solutions. People who have a positive experience making money on bitcoin using a certain method will comment and keep the best solutions at the top.
Day trading
Day trading is similar to trading bitcoin outright. Day trading is a broader philosophy on making money on bitcoin. Day trading requires making fast trades and with a goal to trade that asset in the same day.
To be a profitable day trader you should look for opportunity in all of cryptocurrency, not just bitcoin. This can be very profitable to do, but it can also be very dangerous to do. Cryptocurrency is a very volatile asset class, and should not be taken lightly. A 20% dip in bitcoin has happened in a single day. If you are interested in day trading I would recommend some type of way to be informed about the markets. A community such as reddit, a discord chatroom, all of these things make sense to use when you are learning to trade. Any information related to cryptocurrency is good information so long as you are a day trader.

Trading bots
Trading bots are often scams, but they can be profitable. Cryptocurrency trading bots are a great way to make money if you can time it perfectly. Using bitconnect as an example, if you timed it right you could have made a ton of money.
The post Ways To Make Money With Bitcoin – The Complete List appeared first on Forra.